Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

Controversy Alert!

This is a difficult read. The ML is a horrible, insane freak. He blackmails, degrades, coerces, rapes, and hunts down the FL. And in the end she falls in love with him anyway. There isn't anything else to say about it.

All Reviews Contain Spoilers

Review: TL;DR a sweet little girl finally finds family and belonging and a predictably sociopathic rich prettyboy decides she is a possession to own. He imprisons the only family who ever cared about her, and only lets him out once FL sleeps with him. He rapes her over and over again and allows her to be degraded as a servant of the house, until he impregnates her. She finally escapes but now there's war and her uncle is killed by a bomb drop. She's alone, pregnant, and then gets kidnapped and imprisoned AGAIN. She nearly dies several times and eventually she tells him she has always loved him. You know, the guy that raped and abused her.

Where I'm Reading: I'm fucking not. But if you want to, the manhwa is at and I found the novel at


bike, enby, 30s, writer.

