Even Though I'm a Super Timid Noble Girl, I Accepted the Bet From My Cunning Fiancé!

All Reviews Contain Spoilers

Review: A classic 'oh no turns out I'm a villainess! better leave my fiance. wait why did he say no?' kind of story. Very cute art and pleasant comforting storyline. The twist being that the cookies are made with drugs! Oooohhh scary.

The special-and-unique part that these stories always have is also a nice one. Pia was a researcher, and in her new life she spends her free time excivating fossils in this new world. One thing I'm not too fond of the the genre's insistance on making 8 year old boys act like 24 year old casanovas.

Where I'm Reading: Chapters 1 & 2 bato.to Chapter 2+ bato.to


bike, enby, 30s, writer.

